I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an awesome, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery.

Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust

peder & annie's baby

pregnancy due date

27 July 2008

what kind of gospel

... is this??


Caleb said...

OK this could really get me on my soap box but I need to also harness in my judgemental side.

With a congregation of over 45,000 and an annual budget of near 80 mil. he must be planting tons of churches around the world. Our little church with a congregation of about 200 has done two church plants in as many years. If he is doing the same then praise the Lord!!! They must be taking the world by storm!!! This is a great thing. I could only imagine what we could with a 100th of that budget.

I only pray that God is doing mighty things in that church and that they are making a profound impact on the world. I pray that their seats are filled with passionate men and women of God.

Wouldn't it be great if the pastor showed up in his Honda after leaving his middle class home becasue all of the money that his church makes just goes right back out into our Fathers kingdom?

Be blessed my friend

Rebecca said...

Thanks for posting that article.

2 Tim 4:3-4
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."

Unknown said...

nope, I'm sorry, it's not the gospel at all. Something has been added. Something has been taken away.

Sarah said...

In the words of the random check-typer chick in Sneakers: "Not a very good one, I'm afraid."

christianne said...

ok, i think i'm going to go throw up now.

kirsten said...

caleb - you are way more positive & hopeful about this than i am.

it got me on my soapbox. it made me angry. i was livid. jesus isn't the message here.

[cue spurts of steam coming out my ears]

i hope they are stewarding their vast resources well. but mostly i am sad, because the gospel is SO MUCH MORE.

rebecca - so, so true. this garbage sounds like "ear-tickling" if i ever heard it!!

karen - that is so right. the gospel is robbed of its power when it is reduced as a means of securing "the american dream".

sarah - ditto, sister. not a very good gospel at all. what happens when you subtract jesus & make the gospel nothing more than a series of points you follow to secure material & temporal (earthly) happiness? i think you've got the secret instead.

christianne - me too, sister. when i first read this article, i started writing a post. my fingers were flying, the words were coming faster than i could type them.

i would go back and read them every time & see that i was dripping with judgment and disdain. and maybe the anger is justified, considering that what i read an article about what a gospel that is stripped of its potency & power, a gospel for which jesus is a mere poster-boy, a gospel that says what jesus wants most for you is to be happy & healthy & to have a nice house.

i don't doubt that these things can be a part of how christ chooses to bless his children, but the things are not the be-all & end-all, are they? i know i'm preaching to the choir here, but like you, it just makes me sick to here the gospel message watered down, robbed of its true power, turned into a way to satisfy our earthly appetites & ambitions.

i have a foul taste in my mouth.

Dean said...

Hi Kirsten

I'm so glad to see you getting mad abut this. It worries me greatly when I read what some of the really successful Christian writers of today have to say. Which is probably part of why I really like an old-timer like Tozer. No way he'd be filling churches like Joel Osteen does, but I'm really comfortable with his view of the gospel.

ilse said...

This reminds me of the book "the secret" and how a guy I met on eharmony about a year ago tried to convince me that it was compatible with Christianity. Come on now..... Anyways - I'm all for growing churches if they are spreading the word of God, but if it is some distorted random view of God's word that is a "lets all just get along and everything will always be great" gospel, then it isn't the true message that Christ preached. Christ blesses us with blessings that are unfathomable (sp?), but doesn't promise those blessings are going to be material.

Thanks for the post.

terri said...


that's pretty much all i've got...