God and I have been at work in those heartspaces I mentioned in my previous post. he is good to me: gentle and precise, just like the Master Surgeon He is.
as i've braved the journey into my heart's inner recesses, to those dark and hidden places, i've called them out as precisely as i'm able: here is the lie i've held onto so tightly, that has held on to me. offer me your truth. rip out the lie by the roots without removing chunks of my heart if You can, allow your truth to take root in that place. bind up the wound.
to be sure, it is a gasping, choking, sobbing business and there is more work ahead of me. but He has met and continues to meet me in those places. he meets me with tender grace, and i can already see evidences of His truth taking root there.
i was talking to christianne tonight, trying to tell her about these things. trying to put words around the movements of God in my heart. i was telling her how it seemed to me that the heights of joy seem higher, the freedom of our hearts more unbounded when we are willing to go into the darkness and the depths of ourselves, letting God meet us in those places. when we do this, we come out on the other side and see that it is good and new and better than anything we've had before. the heights are higher, the joy more joyful, the freedom even freer.
i mentioned once how i dance at church now. how i can't help it. how those are the most unselfconscious moments of my week. my dancing, my arms raised and extended, my singing at the top of my lungs, are the most natural and uncontained outpourings my heart has to offer. how i dance because my heart does. how i dance because my shackles are gone.
and so when i went to church today, it was much the same: having known God was meeting me in my dark and hurting places this week, i danced wildly for joy when the music started. i really couldn't contain it. i sang, i raise my hands, i moved in union with the music. and He met me there too: in this dancing, joyful place.
with the music was over and the sermon about to start, we were invited to turn around and shake hands with people. turning around, i noticed a man behind me. he was sobbing, his hair shaggy and unkempt. he cried into his hands uncontrollably; i could not see his face. a woman in the row behind him kept her hand on his shoulder, comforting him.
we all sat into our seats and i could hear one of the ushers speaking to the man behind me. he said yes, i'm okay. it's been so many years since i've been in church. many years. the usher handed him a box of tissue, asked if he wanted to speak to someone. the man replied, i will talk to you after the service, i just need to sit here and be here now.
when the sermon was over, we sang a closing song, one that had lyrics about heart singing to God, a heart that cannot help but sing. i thought about how appropriate and fitting the lyrics were, how well it expressed where my heart was at not only that day, but where it was at over the last few months as well. i thought of the man behind me and wondered at his story: why he had left church and why he was back today, what it was that moved him to such deep tears. what had him so broken and hurting so deeply.
when i turned around, the man was looking up. he wasn't sobbing anymore, but obviously transfixed and moved. eyes and cheeks still wet. he stayed in his seat as everyone else cleared the aisles.
compelled, i turned to him and reached for his hand, grabbing his with both of my own, meeting his gaze intently. bless you for being here, i said. bless you.
he began to choke again, and the tears began to flow. you're so beautiful, he told me [said in a way that i knew it had nothing to do with my appearance]. your worship ... the way you worshipped ... so, so beautiful. and he began to weep freely again.
i have been set free of so many things, i replied.
i tightened my grip around his hands and let him be in that space, still and transfixed and in awe of the God who met him there: exactly as he was, in whatever brokenness he carried in his heart.
i wondered of all the places a hurting man could have seated himself that day in that great big church building, the most likely place would be in the corner at the back. but today he sat in a row toward the front and at the center, right behind where i was sitting. and part of how God met him and moved in him that day had something to do with the crazy dancing arm-waving girl in front of him, singing at the top of her lungs [and probably off-key half the time].
i thought back to the sermon i heard. how it struck me about what our pastor said about giving: giving back to God in an act of trust a portion of what He's given us. how God multiplies what we offer him, however small, oftentimes in ways we never see: loaves and fishes, and all that.
i thought of the worship i offered up this day, how i really didn't understand what had transpired in the heart of the man in the row behind me. but how i knew that God took what i gave him this morning and multiplied it. somehow it was offered as food to a soul hungry and starving.
kingdom math at work, multiplication that doesn't make sense on any human scale.
how blessed i was to see God meet him there. and it hit me: the worship he witnessed would not have been possible unless God had walked with me through the darkness of many prior months, met me in the thick of mystery, carried me through the fire, and met me on the other side in a place that was boundless, joyful, and completely free. how it would not have happened at all unless i invited Him, unless i let myself learn to trust Him in the dark.
it struck me that as blessed as i am to know the joy of being set free, none of it is for me. none of it. which i've always known, but the knowledge today came in the way of a human soul, real and raw in his need, tears and sobs and wet crumpled tissues.
beyond our journeys and our pain and our trials and the times where darkness presses in around us is God's intent that those things will serve a greater purpose. our lives are meant to bear testimony to the truth of God's faithfulness, of His crazy deep reckless raging love for us, of how that love can heal a broken soul, set a prisoner free, and give us unimaginable, uncontained joy.
i told christianne that having so fresh a memory of God meeting me in the darkness has given me the faith that He would do the same here, meet me in the dark and mysterious place that i walk through now. and today was added inspiration, fuel to invite Him to continue the work He's about in me, knowing that if my pain remains my own, if i don't allow God to redeem it, it is pointless.
but when i ask Him to come along, when i allow Him to meet me there, God will show up. brilliantly and unexpectedly. in the dark in hurting places within me and in the row behind me, in the dark and hurting places of another.
I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an awesome, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery.
Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust
17 February 2008
kingdom math
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9:55 PM
Labels: darkness, debridement, faith
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it is going on two am. I decided to see what was going on over here. Wow this is really cool......and it reminds me of a story.
When i first got saved, i went with a friend of mine to her church, it was a church of God, i don't get caught up in denominations but that particular day God met me there.
The choir started singing, it was not really traditional choir music, it was kinda upbeat. Well, there was this one guy in that choir, i can still see that mans face today,
it was like he was glowing.
He was laughing, singing, dancing and praising God. This man was lost in what he was doing. He was caught up in some place between him and God.
I had just got saved but i knew somehow that man knew something about God that i was missing. From that day i started to question god, i would say god i want what that man has, i want to know that kind of freedom and that kind of joy.
I can still remember the taste of God that this man left in my mouth. it made me thirsty.
My dear friend your desert is another mans waterfall. (Holy laughter!) Your pain is another mans gain. Your trial is another mans triumph. Your failure is another mans victory. Your tears are another mans laughter.
This is what it means to be poured out. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:11-12 for we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. SO THEN DEATH IS WORKING IN US, BUT LIFE IN YOU.
That scripture is being written on your heart my friend, your death is another mans resurrection. Lest a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. John 12:24.
The context of that scripture in John is when Jesus was telling the disciples that the time of His crucifixion was approaching. You say so many things here almost like you know that you are going to the cross. For the joy set before Him Jesus endured the cross.
I will study this blog tomorrow. I am on my way to youtube to listen to that song there is not a crown without a cross.
sweet beautiful girl, i am struck yet again by so many things that you raised here. the kingdom math you talked about, how God multiplies beyond our imagining the little pieces of ourselves we raise to him, without our ever being able to know the extent of how he used it to transform other places in the world, and how those places transform other places, and so on until the day of his return. it makes me aware of how extensive and long-standing the body of Christ has been and continues to be, all of our lives touching others that touch others that touch others, ever unfolding evermore.
i am struck by the way this happens when we fully inhabit the place of our being before the Lord, but also with a willingness to be poured out. your grasp of that man's hand and your simple words to him -- blessing him, testifying to being set free from so many things -- was a way he could be touched, the witness of you being extended even deeper into his heart, God using even more, beyond your dancing in the aisles.
and i am struck by your beautiful heart poured out into beautiful words. i love the way he uses you. love the way he gifted you. love the way he made you.
missing you this morning something fierce. wish you were here so i could see your brilliant blue eyes and take in your wide, wonderful smile. and most of all, feel the embrace of your love.
I love this story. I think it has a lot to do with how hearts' growth entertwine, how you met God in the dark and were carried through, so you can dance, so this man can be blessed. And who knows where it will go from here?
Your message is glowing, girl!
What a sweet aroma and vivid picture of beauty to behold of God inhabiting the praises of his people...
The Word is alive in your story Kirsten...
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too. 2 Cor 1:3-5
Thanks for sharling the lovely afterglow.
Often times we get caught up so much in the act of becoming and trying to be greater we forget to just...well just be. Just rest in his presence, just feel his great pleasure, just feel his touch in those inner most places.
You are right on comparing it to the surgeon and his knife. Surgeons move slowly, methodically, and they leave nothing behind. When you just sit and be in his presence he can get it all the first time. When you wake up you truly are healed.
We all have a divine rhythm in our souls, we just have to let God work in that rhythm to let him flow and flow freely.
that is an amazing story!! thank you for sharing it. there have been just a handful of moments in my life where i felt like God was using me in such a specific way, for a another person. that's how yesterday felt. i heard that man's tears throughout the service & i'm certain much of it had to do with God meeting him in His need at that moment. but i had no idea that i had ANY part of it. i know it happens, but when you're IN IT, when God is using you ... it's something rather amazing.
i love the scripture you shared from 2 corinthians, too. so, so true: anything i go through or suffer has a much bigger purpose. and it's way cooler than anything i could plan or imagine!
christianne - i, too, am positively smacked down & struck with the pressing reality that this is the body of Christ at work, behaving exactly as it should.
i never imagined God could use me in this way, in the course of my normal day, in my normal behaviors. that the outpouring that is simply out of the way He made me would or could be a way that God brought light to a dark place for someone else.
and dear girl, i miss you something fierce too. so much [maybe more than either of us know now] came out of our time together. i feel like so much has been set in motion, for both of us. i'm praying in directions i couldn't have imagined, praying like our lives depend on it, praying & dreaming & wondering what he has for us, where all of this might take us.
sigh. you're in the middle of my heart tonight, dear one. peace & blessing & LOVE to you.
sarah - thank you. i'm beginning to get an idea of how overwhelming it can be when God's dreams take root & begin to come to fruition in us ... & then he does something like THIS?! that is outside those dreams i am unable to contain?! it's just overwhelming & so HUGE that anything about who i am, anything about what God's doing in me would bless & reach another person. i'm struck & humbled by the fact that this was ONLY possible because i am finally learning to get out of God's way. to HIM ALONE be the glory.
di - WOW. what a fitting scripture!! thank you so much for sharing. i am so glad you found this space & are contributing to the dialogue here. i am so blessed by your reflections, by what you share and what you see. thank you so much. love to you this night!!
carl - God is about some big & amazing things around this blogging space ... here in the "church of blog" as we like to say, now. ;o) it is just such an amazing blessing to be caught up in the work he is doing of redeeming people, of restoring broken & hurting souls, of wooing His people back to Himself. i am struck & humbled [how many times can i say that phrase today??] by the fact that God wants to redeem those broken & hurting places in me for the purposes of His kingdom. i know i only see shadows & tiny pieces of what He's about, but it's enough to know that it's positively AMAZING!! so excited to be caught up in the story He's telling, thrilled to be along for the ride. glad you're here doing the same!
Kirsten, when God inhabits our praises -- moves into them and takes up residence -- if others step into the house, they can't help but get introduced to Him.
Thank you for being a blessing to this man. And thank you for being a blessing to all of us.
nathan - your words bless me, brother. i love that phrase about the Lord inhabiting the praises of His people. i'm marveled & humbled that He showed up that day in mine.
Kirsten, thanks for that beautiful description. I can relate to the sense of being lost in worship and wanting to sing your heart out. Even all the way over here I can picture your joy and delight!
dean - that makes my heart so happy to hear you say that! i will tell you one thing: none of this would have been possible had i not been surrounded by a community who loves me without condition & pushes me forward. hoorah for the Body of Christ!
i so look forward to hearing pieces of your story one day!
I'll get there at some stage. Just need to come to terms with 1) wondering whether I have much to say that would interest anyone other than my mother, 2) concerns about the very public nature of blogging and 3) finding time to write and think.
I'm trying to write a document for an online discussion I'm having and just getting time to do that is challenging. Whenever the kids are sleeping, my wife & I either want to sleep too or just be in each other's company :)
of course some people have TWO blogs just to show that it can easily be done...
he he he, point taken!!! :o)
really, it's just that i know that i'm not the only one who has enjoyed your presence here & are just curious who dean is & what he's about. a spouse & children are priorites for you that just aren't realities in my life, so that definitely helps with the time issue on my end!! and sleep ... ah, yes. sleep is GOOD!!
of course, you're free to participate in whatever capacity works for you & your life. i really like that you're here, sharing your voice.
and this deal is public?!!? shoot, i wish someone would have told me!! ;o)
you made me laugh with your "public" comment. the weird thing is that it's easy to forget how public it is and just feel like its a conversation between friends. you and C for example are so sweet to one another in such a public way, but it is uplifting to see the affection you share. (Actually that support and love between you two and others in your community would make a good blog topic. Men would not respond in the same way!)
And as for sleep, yes I remember it well. I think I can even remember sleeping late on weekends... Or maybe that was just a waking dream. Now my mornings usually begin with the line "It's not dark, Daddy..."
Wouldn't change it for the world tho.
oh dean,
"It's not dark, Daddy..."
that is so, so sweet. sounds like your family is incredibly precious. wouldn't change or trade that for anything, either. that's definitely the kind of thing you want to hang on to tightly. :o)
it's easy to forget how public it really is sometimes until the oddball blogger comes in & interjects, leaves an unexpectedly rude comment. it's only happened once or twice, but you never forget it when it does!
christianne is someone rather special & i'm afraid i can't help myself when i'm in that space. :o) even though it's on display for everyone who stops by, i kind of like that it can be there for everyone to see, welcoming in whoever wants to take part in the blogging love!! ;o)
it just struck me as kind of odd but extremely cool that i'm carrying on this conversation with someone in another hemisphere & on the flipside of the equator from me.
gosh, i love technology!!
The technology thing IS fantastic. Using skype to keep in touch with friends in Europe and my family who live miles away still makes my day. Even if my little one does insist on sitting on my lap and waving at everyone!
The only down side to this is the time zone difference. I kind of like immediate feedback. So when I get up and send a message and you guys are all 6 to 8 hours behind me it really tests my patience...
Not that I'm getting addicted or anything..
nor suffering withdrawal cos some people think Mexico is a cool holiday idea!
i think we were discussing not too long ago the need for us blog-aholics to entery some kind of recovery program ... with each other, of course!
ah, the time zone thing, i know! if i remember correctly dean, i think you may be 11 hours ahead of where i am since i'm on the west coast of the US. that's some kind of crazy. you're probably thinking about what's for dinner when i'm waking up and beginning my day.
and about that terri lady, i know. abandoning us for mexico. we're going to have to have a talk with her. i'm going through withdrawls.
** wave wave wave!! ** and this is me waving back to your little one!!
Kirsten looks like we are all going through Terri withdrawals.
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