I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an awesome, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery.

Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust

peder & annie's baby

pregnancy due date

06 March 2008


I tend to have a rich and colorful dream life. Once the lights are out and I'm warm under the covers, a new life begins after I surrender to that deep and restful state of unconsciousness. I only occasionally remember what happens when I wake up. But I can't shake last night's dream. It was too real, still covering me like an invisible cloak.

Yesterday, I left work about halfway through my day because I was profoundly and deeply tired. My limbs were heavy and my head felt as though it was a bowling ball balancing precariously on a broomstick. I slumped in my chair, unable to concentrate. I was supposed to conduct a training session, but couldn't even contemplate how I was going to make it through the day feeling like this. I had consumed a latte already and was on my second cup of black tea. So deigning to practice what I preach, I decided to take myself home and rest.

I lay in bed for two hours, but didn't really sleep. It was restful though; I felt well as long as I was hidden from the shafts light penetrating my bedroom blinds, wrapped in the darkness and warmth of the bed coverings.

After about two hours, I went downstairs and did some work on my book project; the words are coming naturally and easily; even I am surprised with how much there is to tell. Later on, I had a healthy dinner and made my way to bed early.

I slipped into unconsciousness easily. And then came the dream.

In my dream I was in my bed, but unable to sleep. I was being tossed about, gusts of air pushing me, moving me from where I lay, enveloping me; they were lifting me inches off the bed, spinning me about in the air, tossing me back over and over again. I cried out for Jesus, over and over again. I screamed His name. I screamed until my throat was raw with it. The room was filled with a taunting and demonic laughter. Before long I felt a hand was clasped tightly over my mouth. Suddenly I was unable to breathe or scream. I continued to cry out in my spirit for Jesus.

In the name of Jesus!! I shouted in my spirit. In the name of Jesus!!

Inside this dream, I remembered another dream from several months ago. I was secretly pregnant, having managed to keep it hidden from everyone around me. For months, I carried the growing child with me secretly. I had taken myself to the hospital when the labor pains came on. As I lay in the hospital bed breathing, pushing, giving birth, a familiar face was beside me, holding my hand. The face was my mom's, but I knew in my soul it was Jesus. I looked away after the child was out of me, a squealing little girl who was the embodiment of my shame, something I had kept hidden and secret, now squealing and alive and outside of me. Not hidden anymore. I clenched my eyes and kept my face turned. I knew she was safe as she was carried away, though I did not know where she was taken.

In my dream, I couldn't remember if this had actually happened to me, or if I was remembering another dream inside this dream. I felt the shame as fresh as if it were yesterday, as real as if had actually happened, as if I had actually given birth to an infant, looking away from her, not giving her a name. I was unable to distinguish between the dream and my waking life.

As this dream came to the front of my memory, I was still tossed and thrown about as if I were no more than a leaf on the wind, being bounced off the four walls, the ceiling, and the floor. My muffled screaming was swallowed in the escalating and cackling laughter around me. Like a pinball, my body continued to bounce off the walls and back again as they pushed and threw me. I felt bruised and battered, I could feel myself going limp. I was suffocating, feeling the winds rush tightly around my body, closing in on me, unrelenting. My arms and legs were bound, I was frozen. A heavy weight rested on my chest like a boulder, pinning me to the bed.

I could not move, nor could I cry out.

Then in my dream, the door opened and light spilled in. The hand disappeared from my mouth and the cackling laughter was silenced. I lay still and the rushing around me slowed until all was still. In the guise of a face both intensely familiar and deeply comforting, Jesus came and sat beside me on my bed. He looked just like my mom again. My hand reached out for him, grabbing at his calf, the most reachable piece of him from where I lay.

What's wrong? he asked softly, his gentle gaze holding my own.

I am buffeted, I choked. I could barely speak, still gasping for air.

Let me help you breathe, he said.

And slowly I woke up, taking in slow, deep lungfulls of air. I looked at my clock, reasoning that it must be close to morning. I was surprised to learn it had not yet been an hour since I first went to bed.

I looked about the same dark room, seeing the faint outlines of the walls against which I had been tossed, as though to check for damage. The room was intact. No visible evidence existed of what I had experienced so vividly in my dream.

And I was breathing. In and out, in and out, deeply. With relief. Safe. Rescued. Breathing.

I returned to sleep easily, sleeping deeply and soundly the remainder of the night. In my body today, I am still deeply tired; I am keenly aware I will need to be deliberate about getting enough sleep over the next few days. But inside that fatigue, deep inside my body rests a bone-deep knowledge that this pervading tiredness comes from having fought hard, from being rescued from an enemy; my body was battered and tossed, but I am alive and well and breathing, having been carried to the right side of victory by Jehovah, the God who rescues.


Dean said...

Kirsten, I'm speechless...

I know the power of dreams in my life, so this description leaves me shaken up. But also smiling at the beauty of your spirit, and praying for rest for your body and soul.

christianne said...

wow, kirsten. this is really powerful. and i don't just mean the writing, though that is always so when you put things down for us to read. i mean the experience. the dream. the fatigue. the violence. the rescue. his gentleness.

as i read, my eyes got wider and wider and my mouth dropped open more and more. "whoa," i whispered. "spiritual warfare is real."

of course, i know this to be true experientially. you and i both know this to be true experientially. but you know how sometimes you lose sight of it? you know how sometimes you question it, even?

i could not question it when i read this story.

i am so glad you are safe. so much lately, all of us have been challenged with thoughts and fears and actual experiences of loss. it has been very close to the surface. for me, i fear it. and as i read this post, i feared losing you. i seriously felt a quaking inside, because i knew this was a manifestation of a very real war going on for your entire being. i believe it represents what you are stepping into with your writing, and the other factors at work in your life that are slowly but surely leading you away from lies and into the truth. so the dream was real, even though a dream. and it scared me for you.

but in all that, i think God would have us reach the point where we release those we love back to him. similar to what terri shared in her latest post, but so, so hard to do. except that he really is over all things and holding all things together, isn't he? even every single last one of us.

so, i trust him with you, though it's hard to see someone i love so much being tossed and battered, though i wish i were there to fight valiantly for you against our enemy, though i wish i, too, could have provided a gentle word, been an arm's length away for you to touch when you reached out for some aid.

but he's there. and he's the one who ultimately saves all of us. he's the one who holds you and fights for you and never, ever lets you go.

i love you.

Sarah said...

Kirsten, this is amazing. It reminds me of different dreams I've had, different times where things have happened and I've known God was present.

Going off what Christianne said, it is so easy to lose sight of the unseen (no pun intended)...it's so easy to forget it's there. I find that with both the positive unseen and the negative, like occasionally I wake up inside and realize it's there.

I feel like I want to hold you down, make sure you stay here and are ok. And yet, that's not mine to do. It's not any of ours. It's God's, and only his.

Take care, friend. May your soul find rest, now, in the inside and the outside.

Love to you!

di said...

kirsten, this was like pulling back the curtain on a realm we are constantly in the crossfires of however unaware
and your retelling of this intense experience is just so...

makes my spirit rise up and fight with you from that place of victory

when all we can mutter in our inability to awaken is the name Jesus ~ having been there we know it is more than enough. what comfort. bless you, rest well.

terri said...

i've had those moments too kirsten, when i suddenly realize that i am being pursued, not only by God, but by some other thing, something dark and terrible. i really hate to know about these things. sometimes i'm envious of people who seem oblivious to these realities. but it is real.

here's the thing though, i think this means something about you. i think this means that you have become especially significant...a threat to the enemy. something about this work you are inching towards...it is powerful and its impact will be devastating to the kingdom of darkness.

so of course, you will have to be brave and persistent. you will have to trust God like never before. you will have to remember with ferocity what is true about you when this enemy screams an accusation at you. sometimes it will feel just like that hand is covering your lips, and breathing will seem impossible.

and this dream will remind you that Jesus is near, that his presence drives away the attack, that he is like your mother...touchable, approachable. this dream will remind you that breathing is easy when he bends over your form and breathes life into you like he did on that first day when he created you...when he spoke your name and declared that you are very good.

we are here with you, sisters and brothers agreeing with God and fighting for you. have no fear.

kirsten said...

dean - me too; what else is there to say after this? my mom called me at work today & asked me how i was feeling & how my night was. i told her about the dream & we both sat in silence on the phone. this is real, the enemy is upon us.

christianne - tell me about it!! it's not the first time the enemy has met me in my dreams, & i can imagine it won't be the last. there are few times when we're more vulnerable, more out of control, more unguarded.

spiritual warfare is something we can maintain an awareness of as long as it's held a a distance, but when you experience it firsthand, whoa. whoa! it becomes intensely real & incredibly profound. the enemy fears the glory of God in us. he seriously fears it.

until you stated it, i hadn't thought of it: the threat against my flesh & blood, living/breathing life itself. i hadn't even thought that far. i woke from this dream, deeply convinced of its very real spiritual nature & hadn't even thought about my life, my breath, my blood flowing through my veins, how that might be threatened. thank you for maintaining an awareness around that & for trusting that God stands guard around me wherever i go, whether i be asleep or awake. he is there. his angels stand guard.

and he will come to carry me to safety, to help me breathe.

it always makes me think of the book of job where God & satan are bargaining about what what satan can & can't do to job. it makes you wonder if God & satan are up in heaven having such another conversation: "have you considered my servant christianne?" or "have you considered my servant terri?" or "have you considered my servant sarah?". spooky, no?!

we are together friend. and we can fight for each other, in our hearts & with bended knees. our battle is not against flesh & blood.

my mom shared a prayer with me today that she prays for our family daily: that the blood of Christ would cover us, & then she prays the armor of God over all of us. more now than ever.

i love you friend. he stands guard & i am safe. you are safe. i pray protection around you, an army of angels around all those i love.

even in the midst of that dream, even though i held a very real & immediate fear for my life, it didn't run as deep. i feared for my body, for the pain i would feel when the tossing was done. but i knew jesus was showing up, that as deeply as the claws of those demons might dig, they had no power over my soul. and so they had to disappear when jesus showed up. the light of the world cast them out.

i love you deeply friend. i intercede for you in my spirit. we have nothing to fear.

sarah - it sounds like we all have had, at one time or another, dreams like this one where the presence of the enemy is too palpable & real to be denied. though we're aware of his presence & activity, there are times we're shocked into an especially keen awareness of it. this was such a time.

hold me down in prayer, pin me to this earth with intercession. i think that's something we all need for each other right now. to hold each other close & tight, banding tightly together. the enemy will not penetrate our ranks.

love to you, sister. love you.

di - praise God for the deep knowing that the victory is HIS, that the enemy holds no power over our souls, frighten us though he might. he's fighting a battle he will ultimately lose.

i can't help but think of john eldredge & waking the dead about there being a glory in all of us that the enemy fears. i think that the more we band together, the more each one of us embraces his/her full identity in christ, we can expect more of this. daily.

terri - you know it was funny (not "ha, ha" funny, but i think you follow me here), i was expecting this. wondering when it would happen. there were little discouragements along the way of course, but i was waiting for a big one. you never know what form it's going to take or what your response is going to be until you're in it, but i can't say i was shocked by this occurence.

this is so real, this kingdom of darkness that sends out its spies and enemies of souls, seeking to tether us, to bind us, to choke us, to smother the glory of God out of us. and trust, yeah. i will need to learn more of that than i've ever known, learn to trust that God is there in those times of darkness, that He will come to my aid when hands are over my mouth, when the breath is about to be suffocated.

thank you for being on the front lines with me here. thank you for encouraging me, for inspiring me, for reminding me to be brave. i will need this. i so desperately need this!! i treasure your words, & i will be carrying them especially close to my heart.

i know each of us is fighting his/her own battles on various fronts. our arms are linked, our hearts are joined. i said it already, but i'll say it again: he will not break our ranks because ... GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN US THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD.

this morning, i knew that i wanted to remember this dream not only so i could remember it & remember that jehovah came to my rescue, but to share here too.

so as soon as i woke up, i wrote it out. i knew that if i allowed a day to get between the waking from it & the writing of it, it would be too easy to convince myself that none of it happened, that none of it was real. that it was something i ate or imagined. what the enemy intended to frighten me is now a testament to the glory of God, a marker in the wilderness dedicated to the glory of the God who rescues.

in my car, in the sauna at the gym, & in the writing of it, i was able to give pause & to thank him for his rescue, for his immediacy, for his being IN me. for his being in YOU & for the fact that i knew i could trust & count on the knowledge that i was not alone, but surrounded by a community of love.

with you, sister. thank you for fighting with me.

and p.s. to all ...

thank you for your wisdom & love & encouragement.

i won't lie: in the thick of the dream, i was scared. it seemed like it was going on forever & like there would be no end to the tossing, the buffeting, the battering. i could physically feel the hands, the weights, the chains. there were so many of them & only one of me. i felt alone. i could hear the laughter & feel the hot sticky breath of the demons pressing in on me.

spiritual attacks have happened before, but nothing quite like this. it was real enough that i'm surprised my bookshelves are not knocked over & that my body is not bruised, that there is not a child somewhere carrying my DNA around with her.

in my waking hours & on this side of Yahweh's victory, it is easier to feel confident & assured of christ's presence. but terri, you are so right ... this won't be the last time. there will be more.

[insert sharp intake of breath here]

i think it's time to go read ephesians now.

blessings, love, & peace to all.

Dean said...

Kirsten, you mentioned John Eldredge and spiritual warfare. I assume you've seen the Daily Prayer that the Ransomed Heart guys use, if not its available here

You spoke about us holding one another up in prayer. And I had to laugh cos I got to work and found myself thinking I need to live further away from work. It's going to be essential if I'm going to try and pray for all of you during the drive into the office!

Anonymous said...

When i first read this it took me back to some weird experience that i have had myself. The only way we know how to define them is a dream, but it has been my experience that they are very real spiritual realities.

I remember not long after i was saved, and actually it was right after i met Michael and we had come out of prayer. i went home and that was the very first time in my life that i really KNEW that the spiritual realm was VERY REAL.

I will not go into all the details here, maybe over the phone, but basically that heaviness you refer to is very real because that thing that came into my room tried to smother me as well.

I began having these "dreams" on a regular basis, until fear would grip me every night before i went to sleep. And i heard about pleading the blood of Jesus over myself and my room before i went to sleep. When those things start to happen, i do that. There is something about the power of the blood that shakes the devil at his core.

kirsten said...

dean, wow. WOW. thank you for sharing that prayer. i prayed it tonight & will be praying that prayer daily. the words are only a shadow of the power they evoke.

the victory is christ's & we can rightly claim it in His name as his children & heirs of his kingdom.

thank you so much for sending this my way.

oh tammy - i love you. the kingdom of darkness is at work & fighting & real. i think most of the time, like you said, we turn a blind eye or reason outselives out of believing that it's there. it's kind of weird to think about, but so true & so real.

you need to check out that prayer sister!! check out the prayer that dean provided the link to. i'm going to be adding the link to it here shortly. it is powerful: it prays the blood of Jesus over us & homes ... it prays the armor of God over us.

powerful. i prayed the prayer & i felt empowered not because of anything i did or said, but because the words ring true: we can claim Christ's blood on us, we can claim His ascension, we can claim His victory, we can claim His power over the kingdom of darkness. we lay ahold of something i think, when we claim those things out loud, for real, knowing they are true.

Dean said...

I'm so glad you found it helpful. I have reservations about certain aspects of Ransomed Heart, but that prayer is fabulous. Of course its not something that you get through in two minutes, but then that's not an issue is it :)

jcubsdad said...

Dreams are awesome ways for God to communicate to us, and us with him. Sometimes the ol' devil gets his way in there to remind us that he is still the prince of the darkness.

My Favorite Psalm is Psalm 16. In verse 7 it says "I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; indeed my mind instructs me in the night." I have no doubt that dreams have great wisdom and meaning in them.

kirsten said...

dean - no, length is certainly not an issue when we're talking about praying against the kingdom of darkness!! i'm happy to do it, to remember & call out & to claim those things Christ has secured for those who love Him.

carl - the enemy certainly found his way into my dreams that night!! it was a potent reminder that his kingdom is a very real & very active one. thanks be to Christ, through whom we are more than conquerors!

Caleb said...

There are a ton of thoughts and emotions that I am going through after reading this blog. I'm actually shaking a little bit. The whole jist of it is this. I had a very powerful dream two weeks ago tonight and your blog made it all come together for me. There has been a missing piece....no, there was a piece that I was unwilling to see until now.

Jessica told me that I should add this disclaimer due to my open nature. I am a very open person and am probably more so than most others. In being this open it can make others have false assumptions of me like there is a bad motivation behind my openness. I would hate to creep any one out or make anyone feel uncomfortable in just being the open guy that I am so please let me know if that happens at all and I'll bugger off. On the flip side if you ever want to know anything then just ask. I'm a very open book. Thank you so much for exposing your thoughts and feeling again in such a profound way. Oh yeah, Jessica said that your "awesome" and that she loves your writing. I hope that you had a warm sunny day today.